Farming is in our blood.

Our love for farming is deep-rooted in California’s history. We pride ourselves in being a part of the beginnings of the California agriculture business. The family legacy that eventually became Rancho Resplandor goes back to 1885 in California.

Rancho Resplandor was founded by a husband and wife team in 2004. Each partner has ancestry in agriculture. From Northern California’s Napa Valley; growing Bing Cherries, melons and peaches, to Southern Califnornia’s Orange County first tree nursery business, they each contribute to the great lineage that is the California Agriculture business.

The purveyors of Rancho Resplandor pride themselves as strategic growers whom are environmentally conscious and take great pride in taking care of their labor force. Both have been and continue to be involved in agriculture leadership on both county and state and federal levels. And just as the generations before them, they too have incorporated their children into the family buisness.